- 2015
Obtained the ISO 14001 Certificate issued by NQA
Set-up the Ceramics precision casting in July
- 2014
Moved the foundry & facility to the new building at NamDong Industrial Complex in Incheon with the new facilities and the new equipment
Set- up the out-sourcing company which are Heat treatment, NDE, Machining company in the factory site
- 2012
Set-up and Operating Computerized Casting Products Manufacturing Process System.
Purchasing and Operating Casting Simulation Program software named “Z-Cast”.
Purchasing and Operating 3D CAD system software named “Solid Works”.
- 2010
2010 Resistered patent on the Impeller pattern making
( Patent No. S 10-0945896 )
- 2009
2009 Changed the type of business to a Stock Company dated on July 1st, 2009 from a private firm. Received the US$5Million Export Tower Award at the “Trade Day Celebration”
- 2008
Received the US$3Million Export Tower Award at the “Trade Day Celebration”
- 2002
Obtained the ISO 9001 Certificate issued by NQA
- 1985
Moved the Facility to DoRim-Dong in Seoul to increase the Casting Capacity
- 1982
Company Facility established at KuRo-Dong in Seoul